How to Maximise Your Income When You Scrap Your Car
Many people do not take the effort to find out how they can get a large amount of money when they scrap their cars. Such people may end up with very little money from the sale of their junk car. This article discusses some steps that you can take to get more money when you sell your junk car.
Deliver the Car
Can the car still be driven? If it can, you may be able to save some money if you drive it to the salvage yard. This is because many auto wreckers offer a lower price if they pick the vehicle up from where it is. If your car cannot be driven, find out how much you will be charged by a tow company to take it to the car disposal facility. If that fee is lower than the difference between the price of a delivered car compared to a car that is picked up by the auto wrecker, then go with the option of hiring a towing service to deliver it. What you retain after deducting the tow fee will be higher than what another person retains after asking the salvage company to collect the car from his or her home.
Use Comparison Websites
Do you dread the prospect of driving from one salvage yard to another in order to find out how much each of them is willing to pay for your old car? Use the internet to avoid that hassle. Find a comparison website that relies on your location and the registration number of the car to give you the quotations of different auto wreckers. Such a website will help you to get the highest payment possible.
Clean the Car
Salvage yards take junk cars to scrap recyclers. The price that each scrap car attracts may depend on how much work has to be done to make the metal ready for recycling. For instance, a car that is free from corrosion may fetch a higher price than a similar car that is rusty. This is because the auto wreckers may have to clean the car before passing it on to the recyclers. The labour of cleaning the car may be deducted from the money that would have been paid to you. Thus, it is advisable to spend some time hosing down the junk car before you take it to the auto wreckers.
The extra effort that you invest in taking the steps above will be rewarded when you are paid a higher sum than another person who did not do what you did to maximise your earnings from your car disposal.