How to Know When Your Car Is REady for an Auto Wrecking Service

All good things must come to an end and so does the lifespan of a car. There comes a time when you need to stop considering another car service and call the auto wrecking company to come get you car. But how can you tell that your beloved car has come to the end?

Cost-Benefit Analysis

One of the ways to know when it is time to hand over your car to the auto wreckers is when the cost of repairing the car outweighs that of buying a new one. Whether it is one big repair job like replacing the entire engine or multiple, small repairs, if the cost supersedes that of a new car then it is time to let it go. No matter how much you love the car, it costs money and you need to make a smart business decision.

Overall Condition of the Car

A car is designed to last for a certain number of years before it simply cannot run anymore, even with multiple repairs and faithful servicing procedures. Granted, there are classic cars from the 1920s and 1930s still in good condition but that takes a lot of money to do and a lot of time. 

You need to be able to rely on your car to get you from one place to another without needing major repairs along the way. You need to trust that you car can make it through the winter without leaving you stranded on a cold night on the side of the road. So take an honest look at the overall condition of your car and if you cannot absolutely rely on it, even with multiple visits to the mechanic then it is time to let it go.

It's a wreck

This should be a no-brainer really. If your car has been in an accident and has been written off by the insurer, then there is probably no need to insist on repairs and restoration work. This is especially true if your engine and under body have been severely damaged since they are the most expensive to replace. It simply doesn't make any financial sense to repair the car when you could get another one at a lower price. Plus, you know cars that have previously been in an accident tend to have recurring issues that need repairs. So it is really not worth it.

Contact local car services to get a better idea of the state of your car. 
